Unlock the Madness within you. Mint Mad Sacks using $MAD, find the equipment of choice that will best suit your style of battle. Different combinations produce a myriad of results, choose wisely.

All great battles evolve with time. Every season brings about new collections of Mad Sacks, offering different armament, weapons and rewards to upgrade the Madness.
Fasten your armour, swing your weapon, prepare yourself - The Great Fight is upon us.

Legends are made in the tightest of margins. Each piece of equipment has its own stats that could prove to be strategic in your success in the MMA world.
Paying tribute to the core nature of individuality in NFTs, all equipment minted from Mad Sacks will be of different rarity in which, its rarity will be defined by the unique stats of your MMA equipment.

Lady luck not smiling upon you? Fret not, you can upgrade the stats of your meerkats and bring out the full Madness of any Mad Meerkat in the arena.
Enter the arena.
Put your money where your abilities are and fight your way to the top. No champion is born without training. Plenty of training grounds are available for you to fight and earn tokens as well.

Mad Meerkat Arena 2022